
Ugandato expose companies working with Monsanto in the production of genetically modified seeds

  We don’t know if all Ugandans are aware of a company called Monsanto which produces over 90% of the worlds Genetically Modified Seeds. The genetically modified seeds are sometimes called “Improved” Seeds. The improved seeds or genetically modified seeds are being heavily promoted inUgandawith the support from the Bill Gates Foundations (who are the major […]

Importance of eating garlic

Importance of eating garlic

Garlic (or alliums sativum) is a wonder plant and it’s a member of the Lily family and perhaps a cousin to onions and leeks. Alliums sativum (garlic) may help to improve iron metabolism because the daily sulfides in it can help increase production of protein called FERROPORTION. Garlic is what scientists call aseleniferous plant since […]

Dangers of skin lightening creams, skin lightening creams causes cancer

  Dangers of skin lightening creams are so many and many skin lightening creams cause cancer. Skin lightening creams inhibits the production of melanin (kills body natural protection). The skin is more susceptible to skin cancer and uneven colour. Hydroquinone is a multi-organ toxic chemical that is rapidly and extensively absorbed through the gut and […]

Banana oldest plantation in Africa, useful in lowering high blood pressure

  Gonja (type of banana in Uganda) is one of Africa’s oldest plantains. It is a type of banana, quite similar to matooke and the yellow banana but with less sugar. Gonja being a potassium rich food, it’s useful in lowering high blood pressure. Eating it for a week will keep you healthy. It is […]

Ways to prevent malaria

  Ways to bid malaria farewell are many. Sleep under treated mosquito nets and stay away from swamps. Take malaria medication when traveling to an area where you think that there are many mosquitoes. Keep your windows and doors closed in the evening hours. Wear long sleeved shirts and pants in the evening. Use indoor […]

Definition of menopause, Andropause

  Menopause is the time when the woman’s periods stop. For men it’s called Andropause. Andropause is reduced production of sex hormones and the testosterone levels are usually highest around the late teenage years to mid twenties, and towards wards the age 30 it starts to drop gradually. It can ably sustain a normal erection […]

Definition of menopause, Andropause

  Menopause is the time when the woman’s periods stop. For men it’s called Andropause. Andropause is reduced production of sex hormones and the testosterone levels are usually highest around the late teenage years to mid twenties, and towards wards the age 30 it starts to drop gradually. It can ably sustain a normal erection […]

Recommended food for asthma patients

  Millions of people, according to the world health organisation (WHO) are suffering from Athma. And many people die everyday as a result of asthmatic conditions. But what is the recommended food for asthma patients. Eat a simple but light diet, based on foods that don’t promote mucus production. The foods that don’t promote mucus […]

Signs of leukemia

  Leukemia or cancer of the blood starts when abnormal cells fail to protect the body against diseases because the cells are defective. The cancer progresses and it interferes with the production of cells. Dr. Peter Barongo, an oncologist (cancer specialist) in Kampala says that the signs of leukemia include body weakness, pain in the […]

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