Comments on: Tullow Oil denies giving bribes to Uganda ministers Politics, Health, Sceince, Business, Agriculture, Culture, Tourism, Women, Men, Oil, Sports Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:16:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Gudoi Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:16:48 +0000 I’m saying, acknowledge whistle blowing, discuss the modalities of investigation call it the scope, get the support documentation that is factual,timely,relevant,revealing and discuss with the cultprits about their revelations as evidenced by the support documentation, and record findings to courts of laws or police, ask the relevant organs to approve the investigations and give the mandate to with fullscope to the professional investigators like KPMG,PWC,ARNST AND YOUNG OR DELOITTE. These professional bodies will give a revealing report about funds movements and or systems gaps including bank processes and many more support allegations. Therefrom, the culrpits must be heard to defend themselves before the report is taken to courts for prosecution. This report must include the culprits statements about the findings. From there, the parliaments can debate findings and recommend if they can the report to courts of laws for either arbitration of proscute any of them or all of them and if found that there is an element of criminalty or whatever, the onus lies with the presiding judge decision. The final whistle them blows to commit some of them found guilty to either Luzira or stay squart free.

By: Richard Gudoi Fri, 14 Oct 2011 08:50:33 +0000 Oooh!
Do you think Tallow Oil can come up and say (yes) they did give the bribe to whoever is a culprit. Remmember they have a name to protect being one of big 100 listed firms in their country. So the law says until courts find the suspect guilty can we assume the law worked or the other way round, in some countries some one is guilty until courts of laws find him not guilty. Please the investation by MPs wont yield any water since it will be done just by mere legislators not professionals. Unless theya ssgin such a mandate to inestigate to such firms like deloitte or KPMG, will they find some culprits prosecutable. Fod God and My Country!
