James Ogoola approved to head Judicial Service Commission

The parliamentary appointments committee has approved the former principal judge James Ogoola as the new chairman of the judicial service commission.

This follows demands by mps to the president asking him to immediately appoint commissioners in the judicial service commission who can help to recruit judges in the courts.

After a long period of this demand, the president has responded to this demand and appointed more seven commissioners to be approved by parliament and constitute the judicial service commission.

The judicial service commission has in the past not been fully constituted following retirement of many of its members creating vacuums in the recruitment of magistrates and judges in the courts of this country.

Ogoola who has been approved this morning by the appointments committee of parliament today promised to immediately embark on the recruitment of new judges and magistrates in the country so that cases in courts of law can be disposed off immediately as a way of ensuring justice in the country.

Ogoola after being approved told the press that he will make sure that only suitable judges who can deliver justice to Ugandans are recruited into this sector so that justice can increase in the country.

The judicial service commission constitutes eight commissioners but in the past it has had only one commissioner something which has made its operations very difficult. However the president has appointed all the other seven commissioners to constitute the commission headed by James Ogoola, and deputized by the lady justice Esther Kisakye.

By Isaac Senabulya

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