Comments on: Sudhiru Rupereria’s buildings cut off power Politics, Health, Sceince, Business, Agriculture, Culture, Tourism, Women, Men, Oil, Sports Thu, 22 Dec 2011 07:47:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Gudoi Thu, 22 Dec 2011 07:47:47 +0000 I don’t understand some of these landlords. I feel tenants have their association where they can channel their grieviences. Besides, they should ask their political office to handle this issue. If not get the law right and file a case against this landlord. He must not abuse small scale businessmen and woman who are struggling to earn a living and fight poverty. For them they cannot afford to win tenders like to supply stationery in BURUNDI.
There are where natural laws on small business existence must remain intact. What corporate social responsibility has Sudhir given to powerless tenants. If anyting these tenants are being exploited. When you switch off power,yet you want them to pay for it how then will they earn mony to be able to pay rent and utility bills? We need sanity and responsibility. As for me, I’m confortable without electricity in the hillside of Mt. Matsaba in Budadiri . Because even if I wanted power at short notice and or if I have it, no one should cut me off until I have sold my coffee to pay the electricity bills. Sudhir know who your customers are and the reaon why they are there. Supposing your customers refuse to rent your premises anymore, where would you get others, import them? Dont be stupified with this ego and you look the other side.
