Causes of muscular degeneration


The root causes of muscular degeneration are so many but the worst thing is that millions of people in low developing countries don’t know them. So as a result, we are privileged to bring to you some of the root cases of muscular degeneration such that our people come to know them.

Muscular is the part of the eye that allows us to see detail in the center of our vision field. When the muscular breaks down fine work like reading, sewing and painting becomes difficult or impossible.

The causes of muscular degeneration are aging, smoking- a diet that is low in antioxidants which fight free radical damage, arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries), high blood pressure, exposure to ultraviolet light, environmental toxins (particularly toxic metals), poor digestion and detoxification, and nutritional deficiencies.

The symptoms of muscular degeneration include blurring, distortion or dark spots at the center of the vision field, especially when a person is looking at details.

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