Recommended diet for bad breath

Bad breath in the medical language is called ‘halitosis.’ The people experiencing the bad breath are advised to base their meals on healthful sources of fibre.

Whole grains, raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables, beans and raw ground nuts and seeds will all improve your digestive system’s ability to process foodd and expel toxin.

Drink a glass of cold water, vitamins A and C necessary foods for dental health, cultured products, especially live unsweetened yogurt, will encourage health bacteria to grow in the intestines and will improve on digestion.

If you are suffering from bad breath, eat garlic or onion or never stand next to someone you know that produces a sour or strong odor on the breath.

Some of the causes of bad breath are: pungent or spicy foods, inadequate dental hygiene, poor diet, constipation, smoking, tooth decay, cum disease, chronic infection in the mouth (especially root canal, throat or sinuses),decaying mercury fillings, flora imbalance in the mouth and in the respiratory track, liver failure, kidney disease, and diabetes.

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