Apply for African graduate scholarship in Health and Development

African Graduate Scholarships in International Health and Development -UniversityCollegeLondon.

The scholarships exist to support African nationals with a high-quality academic and professional background who wish to further develop their skills and knowledge in their specific field.

The Scholarship is a one-off award for the academic year September-September.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • The Candidate must be an African national and a permanent resident of an African nation.
  • The Candidate must have made an application to UCL to study for a full-time postgraduate programme at the Centre for International Health and Development for the coming academic year.
  • The Scholarship is offered as a partial payment towards UCL tuition fees and will not cover additional living and travel costs.

Therefore the candidate must arrange for and obtain additional funding.

The candidate must also be able to provide evidence that he/she has secured other sources of funding for travel and living costs and the remainder of the tuition fees.

  • The Scholarship can only be applied to tuition fees for a UCL CIHD MSc or MPhil/PhD. Scholarship awards are deducted from tuition fees.

Successful candidates will not receive the scholarship directly.

Contacts: CIHD Postgraduate Teaching Office,Institute ofChild Health,30 Guilford Street,LondonWC1N 1EH Email: cihdsc[at]

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