Why old people should limit salt intake?


Old is not a disease. However there are a number of conditions that may develop and are likely to develop during old age. These include sight and hearing problems, and brain atrophy. This has to do with emotional and memory intelligence (cognitive problems), and kidney disease.

This usually occurs after one has developed conditions like gout, hypertension and diabetes, prostate cancer and other cancers, osteoarthritis (it involves degenerative joint diseases), and stroke [as one grows older their veins become coarse]. Other conditions are heart diseases (a normal adult’s heart beat 72 times per minute while in resting mode.  However with old age, the heart grows weary).

Also constipation is common among the elderly people.  

The doctors say that the old people should limit sodium intake although it’s common for the old people to lose their sense of taste and smell and therefore add a lot of salt to their meals.

However it’s advisable for the old people to consume less than one teaspoon of salts a day to reduce on the risk of developing high blood pressure.




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