How spina bifida can be prevented?


Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when the bones of the spine (vertebrae) do not form properly around part of the baby’s spinal cord. It can be like a sac of water at any point on the back of the baby or an open sore.

Having adequate levels of folic acid before and during pregnancy is the most crucial preventative measure of spina bifida. There are three recommended ways to increase folic acid uptake in women of child bearing age.

Intake of one folic acid tablet daily for women in reproductive age is highly recommended.  While daily supplements are a simple method of decreasing the likelihood of an infant contracting spinal bifida supplements are still not readily available to the entire female population of child-bearing age or are only taken after the first trimester, when the spine has already formed. Health workers and policy makers have a role to advocate for the use of folic acid tablets in women of child bearing age and not only after the first antenatal visit.

Folic acid is found in local foods in Uganda, and women in child bearing age are encouraged to eat foods rich in folic acid such as greens, liver, ground nuts, fresh maize, and fresh mangoes to prevent spina bifida in their unborn infants.

Folic acid can be added to food through fortification of staple foods more especially maize flour, wheat flour and corn flour.



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