How hydrocephalus can be treated?



Hydrocephalus is treated surgically either by draining the excessive fluids into the abdomen by placing a special tube called a drain or a shunt. It is also possible to create a natural by-pass, without using a shunt using a process called endoscopic surgery.


These procedures are done in CURE Hospital in Mbale distric. Both spina bifida (Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when the bones of the spine (vertebrae) do not form properly around part of the baby’s spinal cord) and hydrocephalus require life long care and surgical intervention is only the first step.


Adequate surgery is the start of a broader package of total multidisciplinary care, engaging other professionals, parents and the child itself.


With proper support, most children and adults can learn to overcome problems, gain confidence in them selves and go on to live full and independent lives.



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