UJCC petitions parliament on gun law

Gun lawMembers of the Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC) have petitioned parliament demanding the law on the control of guns and small arms. They also want government to ratify and domesticate the international treaties it has signed on the control of arms.

The leader of the petitioner and executive secretary Uganda joint Christian council Rev. Fr .Sylvester Arinaitwe said that  Uganda took part in signing treaties on the control, prevention and eradication of the manufacture and flow of small arms and light weapons but this has not been implemented. He added that small arms and light weapons were used in Karamoja and from police reports many lives are lost by usage of guns in day to day life. He requested parliament to prevail over government to abide by the arms treaty that was signed in New York which Uganda hasn’t signed and ratified.

UJCC also wants parliament to push for effective implementation  of the United Nations programme of action to combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons since they have the powers to make laws.

Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga informed UJCC of the treaties Uganda has signed but most of these have not been domesticated. However as the new parliament starts these issues are to be dealt with, and she promised to mandate the defence and internal Affairs committee once constituted to handle this petition and report to parliament.

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