Reasons why most women struggle to lose weight

Reasons why most women struggle to lose weight

Who amongest us doesn’t love being a stronger, fitter and thinner versions of themselves? We all do, but when it comes to us women, everyone has wondered why women can’t lose weight easily. It is because we are genetically hardwired NOT to lose weight? Why do most women echo the same thing? Why can’t I […]

A few simple ways on how to deal with excessive sweating

A few simple ways on how to deal with excessive sweating

We can all agree that excessive sweating can lead to some very embarrassing situations. But that should not be a reason for you limiting yourself, living in constant fear of raising your arms or engaging in outdoor activities. If you find yourself constantly worrying about sweating, then you should note down these simple ways on […]

Why today’s mothers fail to breast feed their babies?

Why today’s mothers fail to breast feed their babies?

Yes, every mom knows that breastfeeding is best. Study shows that babies who breastfeed are smarter, healthier and happier. According to the studies conducted, mothers are recommended to breast feed their babies for six months. New vision reported that around 37% of mothers in Uganda do not breastfeed their babies exclusively for six months. Varying […]

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