Foods that cause eczema


It is important to check with your doctor before undergoing any big change in diet, especially if the patient is a child. Breastfeeding mothers whose babies have atopic eczema should check with their GP before embarking on any significant diet change. Milk, eggs, and nuts are common triggers.

Researchers from King’s College London found no evidence that exclusive breastfeeding reduces the risk of a baby eventually developing eczema.
The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care stresses that parents should be cautious about eliminating important foods like milk from their baby’s or child’s diet. In fact, their report says that avoiding foods may do more harm than good for children with atopic eczema, unless your child has a proven food allergy.

Regular fast-food consumption linked to eczema risk – children who consume fast foods at least three times a week are much more likely to have eczema as well as hay fever, researchers reported in the journal Thorax (January 2013 issue). If you have identified the triggers you should avoid them. However, if a child’s trigger is milk he/she will need an alternative source of calcium. Always check with your doctor or a qualified nutritionist first before taking a major food source out of your or a child’s diet.

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