Hepatitis E kills 20 in Karamoja


Hepatitis E affects many pregnant women because of their low immunity. Hepatitis E is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis E virus, a non-enveloped virus transmitted mainly through contaminated drinking water.

The Hepatitis E infection usually resolves between four (4) and six weeks, occasionally developing into acute liver failure, which can lead to death. Across the world, there are approximately 20 million incidents of Hepatitis E infections and 57, 000 related deaths every year, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Hepatitis E is found in faces of infected persons and it is spread by eating foods or taking drinks that are contaminated with feaces. Cases of Hepatitis E are many in communities that do not have clean water from ponds, poor sanitation, rivers and poor latrines coverage. Cases of Hepatitis E are more common in Karamoja because of the area’s low pit latrine coverage and lack of safe drinking water. Hepatitis E has claimed over 15 people in the last past one week.


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