Minister rapes woman MP, Dr. Crispus Kiyonga and Jessica Alupo intervenes



It seems this is the biggest scandal of the year. It has now been confirmed in the corridoes of power that the youngest member of parliament for Usuk country, Alengot Oromait was seduced by a powerful official in Uganda government and married man, who summoned her under false pretext of discussing political issues to his farm outide Kampala, and later had sexual encounter with her that resulted in her being pregnant.

The Woman MP in Uganda Parliament left the official’s farm regreeting why she had honoured his invitation. A month after, the woman discovered that she was pregnant…and so she contacted the official who was responsible for the pregnancy.

In panic, this public official contacted the minister of education Jesicca Alupo to make sure the Young woman MP carries out an abortion, and keep the matter a top secret, and that is when Dr. Crispus Kiyonga the minister of defence and an obstestrician was recruited into the deal and thus helping in condiucting the abortion.

However, somehow the wife of the official got wind of the whole saga, and she is furious and threatening to openlty divorce the official.

We have not revealed the name of this powerful government official in Museveni’s government because when he coughs Ugandans ‘sneeze.’


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