Multiple Uganda planes crash in Kenya: Gen. Saleh fails to start investigation work


Close to two weeks since three Uganda military helicopters crashed in the slopes of mountain Kenya, the board of inquiry headed by Gen. Salim Saleh that president Museveni established to establish the cause of the accident has not started work.

The board was meant to investigate and establish whether the Al Shabaab Islamic fighters had a role in the crash of Uganda’s military airplanes. The planes were all heading to Somalia to attack Al Shabaab military bases. The Al Shabaab fighters are against Uganda’s involvement in Somalia’s armed struggle.

The multiple crashes caused a big loss to Uganda’s air force and the UPDF n general. A group of UPDF soldiers who went to Kenya to work with their Kenyan counterparts to remove the contents of the choppers have already finished their work, according to sources in Uganda’s army but Saleh is yet to start his work.

One chopper out of three Russian-made Mi-24 combat helicopters that crashed got burnt and killed all the seven UPDF soldiers who were on board. These three Russian-made Mi-24 combat helicopters were flying to Somalia to support African Union troops battling al-Qaeda-linked al-Shaabab fighters who still control large territories in central and South Somalia.


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