
World celebrates International Day of Forests as China restores forests

World celebrates International Day of Forests as China restores forests

As the world celebrates today the International day of Forests, a study has found that China’s sweeping program to restore forests across the country is working. Long after China’s forests were destroyed by logging, floods and conversion to farmland, the country has turned the story around to one of hope. This is according to the first […]

Applications needed in Research and Conservation Grants

Research and Conservation Grants: IBA Research and Conservation Grants (RCG) are awarded to help support bear conservation, education projects, and research. Emphasis is given to projects that demonstrate significant positive effects for bear species, populations, and areas of the world with the highest conservation needs. Proposals received after that date will be held over for […]

ATREE Small Grants Program

ATREE Small Grants Program ATREE Small Grants Program: Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, India invites proposals from individuals for research projects under its Small Grants program. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) focuses on application of science to conservation of nature and sustainable use of […]

International Foundation for science grants students from Developing countries to do research and management.

International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants: Applications for International Foundation for Science (IFS) Research Grants are welcome from young scientists in developing countries to do research on the sustainable management, use or conservation of biological or water resources. Grant amount: 12 000 USD An eligible candidate for an IFS Research grant is; A citizen of […]