
Sickle cell disease rate increasing in country – Experts

Sickle cell disease rate increasing in country – Experts

Health experts and educationists in Uganda have raised serious concerns over the faster rate at which sickle cell disease is growing in the country but with great fear that little has been done by the ministry to have a lasting solution to the burden leaving 80% of the newborns dying before they make their fifth […]

What medications are available to treat influenza infections in humans?

  Antiviral medicines like tamiflu, and other supportive treatment that can effectively treat the illness are available in the ministry of health in the case of Uganda. You also need to drink a lot of fruits and have enough time to rest.   Influenza is a respiratory disease that is caused by influenza virus that […]

How do people become infected with influenza A (H1N1)?

The world a couple of years ago experienced a new influenza disease outbreak which was reported in more than 40 countries around the world and claimed over 95 human lives.   According to doctors and other medical experts, Influenza is a respiratory disease that is caused by influenza virus that is related to a virus […]

How to stop spread of influenza?

Influenza is a respiratory disease that is caused by influenza virus that is related to a virus that regularly causes diseases in pigs. The spread of influenza can be stopped under the following ways:   Always sneeze or cough into a handkerchief or tissues. The minister for health in Uganda government Christine Androa says the […]

Connection between high blood pressure and heart disease

  Today we are privileged to bring to you the connection between high blood pressure and heart disease: Doctors from Mulago Hospital say that blood pressure is controlled by flexibility and overall side of the blood vessels. Inflammation and excess cholesterol reduce the flow of blood, which ultimately increases the pressure within the blood vessel. […]

Heart disease linked to age and gender- new scientific discoveries

    Is heart disease linked to age or gender? The answer is YES. The person’s risk of developing a heart attack increases significantly with age. Studies indicate that more than 80% of the people who die of heart disease are 60 years of age or older. Men have a greater risk of developing a […]


The symptoms of parasites are loss of appetite, fatigue, constipation, depressed immunity, food allergy, fever, chills, heartburn, stomach pain, inflammatory bowel disease and lower back pain. Other symptoms are itchy anus, rash and skin itching, hives, weight loss, Arthritis, bloody stools, mucus in stool, colitis, crohn’s disease, flatulence, foul-smelling stools, malabsorption, rectal bleeding, mood changes […]

How smoking and heart disease linked

  Smoke contains chemicals that damage the lining of the blood vessels, producing inflammation and increasing fatty deposits in the arteries. Ingredients like nicotine raise blood pressure, increase heart rate and also reduce oxygen flow to the tissues, according to medical research findings at Mulago hospital. Smoking is a destructive lifestyle choice that doctors and […]

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