
Dangers of low fluid intake by old people

 Elderly people lose the sensation of thirst or may limit their fluid intake in order to minimize trips to the toilets as a result of mobility problems. This can lead to insufficient fluid intake and hence dehydration, which unfortunately is associated with irritability, headaches and constipation etc. Six to eight glasses of fluids, ranging from […]

Why old people should limit salt intake?

  Old is not a disease. However there are a number of conditions that may develop and are likely to develop during old age. These include sight and hearing problems, and brain atrophy. This has to do with emotional and memory intelligence (cognitive problems), and kidney disease. This usually occurs after one has developed conditions […]

How to control cold

How to keep a cold at bay? Keep the neck, shoulders, ears and head warm. Cause your body to sweat, drink hot herbal teas but green tea is the best according to the world health experts. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and once a week eat a plant-based diet. Go for garlic, […]

Health ways to lose weight

  Healthy ways to lose weight are many. But in this news report we shall give you a few ways out of the very many. Reduce intake of refined and sugary foods, eat less fat, and reduce food intake without giving up your favourite foods. Walk at least 5kms in 45 minutes one time each […]

New research discoveries show that red meat cases cancer

  New research discoveries by scientists from Harvard Medical School indicate that eating too much red meat causes cancer and heart problems. The same discoveries indicate that eating red meat is one of the factors leading to early death. The scientists advise that the people eating red meat should substitute its intake with other protein […]