
Why Muslims cross to born again faith?

Many of us have been observing Muslims from the so-called Traditional Muslims Schools in Uganda (e.g. Kibuli Muslim Secondary School, Gombe Muslim Secondary School and Kawempe Muslim Secondary School etc) who are not mindful of the Muslim religion faith. Many people have seen good Muslim girls and boys who later turn into Christians (born again […]

How to avoid intestinal obstruction and causes of intestinal obstruction

  Intestinal obstruction regularly comes with a lot of pain and it may make some people to take more than five days without passing stool. The doctors and researchers tell us that intestinal obstruction also comes with stomach distention. This is where the human stomach swells. Some people suffering from Intestinal obstruction may vomit because […]

Causes of umbilical cord accidents

  Causes of cord accidents or obstructed labour that is to say the baby gets stuck on its way either because it is too big or the mother’s bones are too narrow. There is also umbilical cord prolapse-this is when part of the cord drops out of the birth canal especially when ‘waters’ break through, […]

Over sweating leads to emotional, physical discomfort

  Over-sweating is also known as ‘hyperhidrosis.’ This in when a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. Such people can even sweat when the temperatures are cool or when they are at rest. The people who sweat a lot have overactive sweat glands. The uncontrollable sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physically and emotionally. The […]