
Bellagio Center calls for Creative Arts Residencies

Bellagio Center Creative Arts Residencies: The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center creative arts residencies are designed to give composers, novelists, playwrights, poets, video/filmmakers, and visual artists time for disciplined work, individual reflection, and collegial engagement free of the usual interruptions of their professional and personal life. Located on a peninsula adjacent to Lake Como, two hours […]

Ugandans camouflage as traditional doctors in South Africa and rob people

Hundreds of Ugandans camouflage as traditional doctors in South Africa and rob people there their items. But the police in South Africa have launched a hunt on Ugandans who posse as traditional healers in South Africa. Thousands of Ugandans have been deported for camouflaging as traditional doctors and steal people. The Entebbe Airport Police Commandant […]

Rapper Keko gets juicy jobs

It now seems Rapper Keko is one of the luckiest hip-hop musicians in East andCentral Africa. We have been told that she has got over seven juicy deals in which she can earn over 100 million shillings after the maturity of the deals. Keko has got a job at Vision Group’s X FM radio, nominee […]

Sudhiru Rupereria’s buildings cut off power

The government of Uganda ’s failure to subsidize power to support power producers has impacted negatively on the businesses of Kampala ’s property mogul, Sudhiru Rupereria. The information coming from Equatorial Hotel and City house building among others  indicate that many times the premises of the wealthy man can stay without power for very many […]