peaceful demonstration

MUK Youth demand parliament pass National Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill 2012

MUK Youth demand parliament pass National Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill 2012

Youth and students  from Makerere University have staged a peaceful demonstration demanding parliament to consider and pass the National Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill 2012 which they think has over stayed in parliament. The youth gathered at Imperial Royale hotel in Kampala demonstrating against the members of parliament and ministers’ failure to adhere to farmers and students […]

HRNJ protests against polive over late Charles Ingabire

Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ–Uganda) is dismayed with the unfair treatment from Uganda Police against families and friends of late Charles Ingabire who wanted to express grief and solidarity against the brutal killing of Charles and other Rwandese who have succumbed to this kind of gruesome treatment. Charles IngabireRIP, the editor of the Kinyarwanda Online […]

Minister Ruhindi fails to defend Public Order management Bill

Members of parliament on legal and parliamentary Affairs thrown out the committee deputy Attorney General Fred Ruhindi for failure to defend the public order management bill which is under scrutiny. The deputy Attorney General Fred Ruhindi was asked to leave the committee when he told MPS that he wanted to first harmonize some issues in the bill […]