
How to avoid bad breath

  Many people especially in slums produce bad breath. When they talk one feels bad smell. But this can be avoided and in this news article we bring to you how it can be stopped. How to avoid bad breath: avoid spicy foods, onions and where applicable avoid eating too much garlic. Brush your teeth […]

How to beat menstrual pains

How to beat menstrual pains: engage in regular physical activity, take a warm bath and use aromatherapy (natural oils with sweet smell). Relaxing reduces stress. Take ginger tea to lower your levels of pain-causing elementary and fight fatigue. Eat foods that are rich in magnesium i.e. greens, ground nuts and seeds, and also take omega-fatty […]

Garlic has anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal and anti oxidant properties

  In our first issue on garlic, we told you that dried and or powered garlic boosts your immunity, and to get most out of garlic, it is recommendable that you consume it in raw form. But in this issue, we are concentrating on the benefits of consuming a piece of garlic for a day. […]