Treatment and causes of bad mouth odour


Bad breaths, mourning breath, breath odour or halitosis are some of the terms used to describe a noticeably unpleasant breath odour from people when they are talking.

Most breath odour comes from food particles trapped in the mouth. When food remains in the mouth it becomes a breeding ground for the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Other causes of mouth odour are poor oral health, improper cleaning of the dentures, periodontal disease as well as smoking. Also alcohol consumption, taking certain medications or a salivary gland disorder causes mouth odour.

Bad breath can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition of the stomach, lungs and bloodstream. Also when the mouth is dry saliva production decreases, leaving the mouth’s natural ability to clean its self, impaired.

Saliva contains properties that reduce bacteria in the mouth. The reason doctors recommend drinking lots of water if you have bad breath.


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