UPC party president Olara Otunu defends his participation in the Catholic Holy Communion

The president of Uganda People’s COngress Olara Otunu has reacted to comments made by the church regretting his receiving of the Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.

UPC President Olara Otunu

Kampala Arch-Bishop Cyprian Kiizito Lwanga is quoted in the media blaming the ushers for failing to advice Otunu not to take part in the Holy Communion during the Easter mass at Lubaga Cathedral because he is a protestant.

Otunu says he is all inclusive Christian and doesn’t believe in denomination within the Christian church.

The UPC party president further says his name Olara means given through salvation and he believes he can benefit from any salvation practices of Christian churches.

The Catholic Church only allows Catholics who “are ready” to receive holy communion to participate in the Eucharist sacrament. Not every catholic can take part in holy communion though, as one must have finalised some basic teaching in the church and not be engaged in anything the church considers sinful. For example, a man and women who stay together and enjoy sexual relations when not married in the church are not allowed to receive Holy communion.

By Mugisa Isaac Mathias


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