What patients with eczema can do?

Itchiness is a common part of eczema and scratching is a natural reaction to deal with itching. Scratching may aggravate the skin and make symptoms of eczema worse. Scratchin raises the risk of infection.

Getting adults to control their scratching is hard …it is even harder for children. Children often lack capacity to control the urge to scratch.

A good doctor will establish a list of factors that trigger eczema flares. The patient should avoid them as much as possible. Parents/guardians need to remind children of triggers and help them devise strategies to avoid them.

People with atopic eczema avoid clothes made of synthetic fibers and opt for natural materials, such as cotton.

Dust mites are likely triggers for many people. However, studies have shown that trying to eradicate them from your home is very time consuming and does not seem to be very effective in reducing the frequency and severity of flare-ups. Several patients have written into Medical News Today saying that when they get up in the morning they pull their sheets right back and do not make their beds for several hours, allowing the bed to be ventilated.


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