Difference between HIV and AIDS


HIV stands for the human immunodeficiency virus: H – Human. This virus infects human beings. I stand for Immunodeficiency. This virus attacks a person’s immune system. The immune system is the body’s defense against infections, such as bacteria and viruses.

Once the human body is attacked by HIV, the immune system becomes deficient and doesn’t work properly.
V represents Virus. A virus is a type of germ too small to be seen even with a microscope.

HIV is a virus. Some viruses, such as the ones that cause colds or flu, stay in the body for only a few days. HIV, however, never goes away. A person who is infected with HIV is said to be “HIV positive.” Once a person is HIV positive, that person will always be HIV positive unless GOD comes for his/her help. In our next news article we shall bring you all the latest information you need to know about HIV.


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