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Desert locusts Invades North Uganda, Amudat District

Desert locusts Invades North Uganda, Amudat District

The Ministry of agriculture in Uganda has announced the invasion of Desert locusts in the country, these locusts invaded Uganda through Amudat District via North West Pokot in Kenya on Sunday. According to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) Desert locusts have demolished vegetation in Kenya as they move toward Uganda.   Desert locust […]

Uganda on high alert over an imminent desert locusts’ invasion

Uganda on high alert over an imminent desert locusts’ invasion

Uganda’s ministry of agriculture has announced that it is on high alert over an eminent threat of desert locusts that have invaded the East African Region especially the neighboring Kenya. The revelation was made on Friday by Aggrey Bagiire, the State Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries during a press briefing at the Ugandan […]

Teso fruit factory to be opened soon in soroti

Teso fruit factory to be opened soon in soroti

Dry tests at the Teso Fruit Factory in Soroti indicate it will finally be ready for launch before the end of this year. Trade Minister Amelia Kyambadde, members of the Board of Uganda Development Corporation (UDC), Leaders of Teso Region, farmers and other stakeholders toured the factory on Wednesday 16th May 2018 and were shown the […]

Coca cola pleased with $12M fruit factory in Uganda

Coca cola pleased with $12M fruit factory in Uganda

American multinational beverage corporation, the business behind the Coca-Cola Company was pleased to hear that the highly awaited fruit factory in Uganda would commence operations soon. The $12 million rated fruit factory had not operated since its construction began back in 2015, suffering a heavy setback to the key players and the farmers who had […]

Mps urge National Forest Authority to carry out reforestation in order to improve forest cover

Mps urge National Forest Authority to carry out reforestation in order to improve forest cover

 Members of Parliament have tasked officials from National Forestry Authority (NFA) to explain the circumstances leading to the reduced forest cover and rampant deforestation in the country. Officials from the NFA led by the acting Executive Director Paul Musamali were meeting MPs on the Natural Resources Committee now considering the Ministerial Policy Statement for financial […]

Plant coffee to end land grabbing, Buganda Minister advises subjects

Plant coffee to end land grabbing, Buganda Minister advises subjects

Buganda minister for finance and Investment, Robert Wagwa Nsibirwa, has asked people in Buganda with big idle land to cover it with coffee plantations as a solution to end land grabbing. He made the remarks while speaking during a coffee power talk meeting held at Pearl of Africa Hotel in Nakasero under the topic; women […]

Crackdown on eliminating fake coffee on the market on-going across the country says minister Sempijja

Crackdown on eliminating fake coffee on the market on-going across the country says minister Sempijja

A government operation to close coffee factories and arrest a group of people behind the harmful coffee harvesting practices is soon extending to most parts of the country. The operation which was first conducted in greater Masaka districts oversaw the closure of many coffee factories which were found processing wet coffee and has now closed […]

Tanzania tops region in hunger levels: GHI

Tanzania tops region in hunger levels: GHI

Tanzania has been found to top the region in hunger levels. This according to the Global Hunger Index (GHI) which was released in October 2016 by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in partnership with Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide. The report which was dubbed Getting to Zero hunger notes that the developing world has made substantial progress […]

Africa’s economic growth to fall 1.6% in 2016 – World Bank

Africa’s economic growth to fall 1.6% in 2016 – World Bank

In their October 2016 report: Africa’s pulse, An analysis of issues shaping Africa’s economic future, the World Bank Group notes that after slowing to 3 percent in 2015, economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to fall to 1.6 percent in 2016. That is half of what it was last year and the lowest level […]

Farmers ask for policy on vanilla growing

Farmers ask for policy on vanilla growing

Farmers under their umbrella body, Vanilla Exporter`s Association demand for a policy that will help to guide vanilla dealers in the country. While meeting with the Minister of Agriculture Animal industry and Fisheries, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja they requested Government to consider reviving vanilla crop in Uganda, because the prices have skyrocketed in the recent past. They said a kilo of vanilla […]

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