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Press Freedom

We need to create grassroots radio stations-Besigye

We need to create grassroots radio stations-Besigye

Former Forum for Democratic Change presidential candidate Dr Col. Kizza Besigye has insisted that stopping him from reaching his people via radio stations won’t deter him from sending his message to people. Besigye said this on Saturday while in Kitgum district after the Kitgum Resident District Commissioner, Mr Christopher Omara reportedly ordered his talk that […]

Security tightened ahead of Bobiwine home coming

Security tightened ahead of Bobiwine home coming

Just hours to the return of the Kyadondo East Member of Parliament,Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu alias Bobi Wine, police and the miltary have teamed to provide a security to ensure that no ‘law is broken’. There has been a heavy deployment of security both in police uniforms and military wear in the places where the […]

Why fire tear-gas, why fire bullets, Museveni questions Police

Why fire tear-gas, why fire bullets, Museveni questions Police

President Museveni yesterday released a statement condemning in the strongest terms the shooting and beating of civilians by the Police. The president questioned as to why police fired tear gas and live bullets during the Monday demonstrations that saw the rioters, section of the public, and journalists brutally beaten and arrested. “Youth groups of Monday […]

President Museveni reduces mobile money tax to 0.5%, insists on social media tax

President Museveni reduces mobile money tax to 0.5%, insists on social media tax

This follows an outcry and anger from the citizens who,  rather than make mobile money transactions as was before the taxes, prefer to use public means such as motorcycles, taxis to transfer money as they found it cheaper to travel than incur the extra costs that come with the tax. For social media, users have […]

MPs attack UCC over suffocating media houses

MPs attack UCC over suffocating media houses

MPs have angrily attacked the Uganda communication commission for the continued suffocation of media houses which is costing government billions of revenue. The matter was raised by Buhweju county MP Francis Mwijukye who said that continued closure of media houses is a move gagging the media. He described the raid on Red Pepper on 21st […]

Uganda Opposition Leader Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye of Forum for Democratic Change swears in as President of Uganda

If Uganda’s politics were a matter of first declare first serve, Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye would be the official President of the Republic of Uganda today. The erstwhile opposition leader on Wednesday May 11 2016 was sworn in at a brief ceremony in Kampala and took oath of President of Uganda despite prolonged battles with […]

FCAU to celebrate World Press Freedom Day

FCAU to celebrate World Press Freedom Day

The Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Uganda (FCAU) will tomorrow, May 3rd, celebrate World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), an occasion that reminds us of the importance of free media and of access to information for all people. FCAU stands in solidarity with journalists and media organizations in Uganda and elsewhere. FCAU is a professional association for journalists in Uganda […]

FCAU releases Press Statement

FCAU releases Press Statement

The Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Uganda (FCAU) is concerned over a recent series of abuses aimed at journalists covering Uganda’s 2016 general election. FCAU recognizes Uganda as a country with a vibrant media landscape and with room for expression of diverging opinions; we call upon the authorities to safeguard this status by respecting the freedom of journalists both […]

70 cases recorded on violation of the rights of journalists during elections – HRNJU

70 cases recorded on violation of the rights of journalists during elections – HRNJU

The journalists’ rights body Human Rights Network for Journalists Uganda (HRNJU) revealed that during the presidential and parliamentary campaign season and polling day, about 70 cases were recorded all having a bearing on the violation of the rights of journalists in the country, something the rights defenders says indicates signs of no respect to media […]

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