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Oil Documents
Some oil documents are free at our oil website www.newinformers.com/ugandaoil FOR the rest, you have to pay a one time fee of $500 or 800,000 UGX using the buttons below to access all the documents below and much more.
You will get a password in your payment confirmation email which you shall use to sign into the website to download what you want. If the document you want not in our available downloads, tell us about it and we shall look for it and avail it for you.
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The Downloads
This is the Most coveted document on Uganda’s oil industry, the country’s oil potential and key investment opportunities and strategies at both micro, national and regional levels. The government of Uganda hired Swiss Engineering and Construction company Foster Wheeler Energy Limited (FWEL) in early 2011 to undertake a study of Uganda’s oil potential.
The key goal of the assignment was to advise the government on whether to strategise on constructing a refinery or an oil pipeline to export crude oil.
Fosterwheeler report on Uganda Oil sector and Potential…… Or Download

We bought a copy from a 3rd party and are availing it to you so you can take more informed decision as regards Uganda oil sector and potential.
Uganda oil and Gas Laws-a Review………..Download
Uganda oil and gas policy………..Download
Petroleum exploration and production regulations_1993………..Download
Status of Uganda’s Oil and gas Legislation………..Download
Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development Publications………..Download
The Petroleum(Marking & Quality Control)Regulations,09………..Download
The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Regulations………..Download
Petroleum Act 1985………..Download
Environmental management in Uganda’s Oil and Gas Sector………..Download
The Constitution of Uganda 1995 – PDF………..Download
Uganda – Petroleum Exploration and Production Act 1993 – PDF………..Download
Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Regulations of Uganda 1993………..Download
Uganda Mining Act 2003 – PDF………..Download
Oil and Gas Laws in Uganda – PDF………..Download
Fosterwheeler report on Uganda Oil sector and Potential………..Download
Ernst & Young Audit Report on Tullow / Hardman – April 2009………..Download
Ernst & Young Audit Report on Heritage Oil – April 2009………..Download
“A Bad Deal Made Worse – How the PSAs are ripping off Uganda” – PLATFORM’s preliminary economic assessment of the contracts – published in November 2009 ………..Download
Uganda oil Final Report National Content (September 2011)………..Download
Environmental Impact Assessment for Tullow Oil………..Download
Environmental Impact Assessment for Early production Systems………..Download
Sharing-oil-gas-revenue-in-uganda Uganda Wildlife Society………..Download
Donor engagement in Uganda oil sector………..Download
Communique on oil governance………..Download
Civil society coalaition on oil concerns………..Download
Analysis of psa oil contracts Production Sharing Agreements………..Download
Maintaining Conservation and tourism value of PAS in oil development Zones………..Download
Escaping the Oil Curse………..Download
Natural Resource Derivation funds in Uganda………..Download
Oil Discovery in Uganda: managing expectation, by Lawrence Bategeka, Julius Kiiza & Sarah Ssewanyana Economic Policy Research Centre and Makerere University………..Download
Managing Oil Revenue in Uganda- By Africa Development Bank………..Download
Legal-and-environmental-dimensions-of-oil-exploration-presentation by emmanuel-kasimbazi- Power Point………..Download
Oil governance and biodiversity in Uganda by ACODE …Power Point………..Download
Strengthening the management of Oil and Gas………..Download
Uganda Production Sharing Agreement with oil companies-part I………..Download
Uganda Production Sharing Agreement with oil companies-part 2………..Download
”Cursed contracts: Uganda’s oil agreements place profit before people” – Analysis of Uganda’s PSAs published by PLATFORM in partnership with the Civil Society Coalition for Oil in Uganda…………Download
Heritage’s Production Sharing Agreement for Block 3A signed in 2004: Part 1 Part 2………..Download
Dominion Block 4B PSA (pages different from Block3A PSA): Cover (Page 1) Bonus Payments (Page 30) State Participation (Page 32) Cost Recovery (Page 34) Production Sharing (Page 35)………..Download
Loose Minute – Ugandan government analysis of Block 3A PSA re-negotiation- signed by Permanent Secretary A Kabagambe-Kaliisa: Page 1 Page 2………..Download
Communication Strategy for Oil and Gas November 2011 Uganda………..Download
Tullow2 010 Halfyear_factbook………..Download
Tullow oil exploration Uganda report………..Download
Status of Licensing_April 13 2012…………Download Status of Licensing October_09………..Download
Tullow oil exploration Uganda report………..Download
Environmental sensitivity-atlas-for oil Albertine graben………..Download
Tullow Oil Environmental Impact Assessment response ………..Download
Useful oil and Gas Websites
Uganda Oil and gas OR http://www.newinformers.com/ugandaoil/
Uganda Oil and Gas Info OR http://www.ugandaoilandgas.com/index.html#axzz29le6uuiM
Communications manuals (text, video and audio)
Communication Strategy for Oil and Gas November 2011
Journalism Manuals
Rhythms of Life audio play
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