Books & Publications

Lies from Uganda crown Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly in Geneva

You may not know, your Members of Parliament might not have told you, but the Inter-parliamentary Union Assembly taking place in Geneva, Swaziland has been crowned by lies from the East Africa’s third economy, Uganda. Ugandans die daily in their tens due to lack of enough drugs and blood in hospitals, women deliver in bushes, […]

How to have better relationship and satisfy your partner in bed

This is a book that those of you considering an intimate relationship and especially great sex need to have. Whichever name you chose to call it, sex is one of the most important aspects of our adult lives. Many people like to have sex and enjoy it. But for one reason or another many do not […]

Why men want sex and women need love

Why men want sex and women need love

What is the truth about sex and love for men and women? It has been said that men and women are different when it comes to love and sex. International bestselling authors Allan and Barbara Pease explore what men and women want from a sexual relationship and give humourous and practical advice. This book presents  illuminating […]

Architects of deception – Secret history of freemasonry

This is the introduction of a book publish in 2004 by Juri Lina Get “Architects of deception – Secret history of freemasonry” (2004) from: Get “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” (2002) from: When  the  book  “Under  the  Sign  of  the  Scorpion”  was  published,  I  did not  expect  it  to  be  a  great  […]

Rwagweri Stephen talks about preserving African culture, writing books

PART 1 Stephen Rwagweri is a social worker, book writer, broadcaster and currently working on a very ambitious project to build a museum for the people of Rwenzori region. He is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Engabu Za Tooro or Tooro Youth Platform for Action ,a development organization, which operates in the Rwenzori […]

FEMRITE Uganda launches textbooks

Ultimate Media FEMRITE Uganda Women Writers’ Association launched three new textbooks on Friday. The textbooks launched were titled a children’s poetry anthology: The Butterfly Dance; words and sounds of colour, and two short story anthologies; Talking Tales and Pumpkin Seeds and Other Gifts. The launch took placeat the Makerere Art Gallery, Makerere University. There was […]