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Eleven Reasons Why You Should Invest In Media Monitoring

Eleven Reasons Why You Should Invest In Media Monitoring

It is every brand’s dream to stay on top of the publicity game and reach as many people as possible, hence the need to employ different avenues of communication – print, broadcast and online. With all this, it is important to know how your communication efforts are doing and the yields therein; and that’s where […]

How to understand the differences between men and women.

How to understand the differences between men and women.

There was a book that came out more than two decades ago called Men are From Mars Women are From Venus. This  was the first time that anyone formally came to the conclusion that men and women are created different. When you are first starting out in a long term relationship, you never imagine it […]

The 10 simple changes which can be made that can help you lose weight.

The 10 simple changes which can be made that can help you lose weight.

Most people have conceptualized their own theory of dieting. Some resort to the no a eating policy even if they saw those methods been tried, tested and failed. Loving one’s body and respecting it needs to sink in their minds even steadily as it may. There are newer ways of losing weight without having to […]

Reasons why most women struggle to lose weight

Reasons why most women struggle to lose weight

Who amongest us doesn’t love being a stronger, fitter and thinner versions of themselves? We all do, but when it comes to us women, everyone has wondered why women can’t lose weight easily. It is because we are genetically hardwired NOT to lose weight? Why do most women echo the same thing? Why can’t I […]

A few simple ways on how to deal with excessive sweating

A few simple ways on how to deal with excessive sweating

We can all agree that excessive sweating can lead to some very embarrassing situations. But that should not be a reason for you limiting yourself, living in constant fear of raising your arms or engaging in outdoor activities. If you find yourself constantly worrying about sweating, then you should note down these simple ways on […]

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