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MPs to petition Social Media and Mobile Money taxes acts

MPs to petition Social Media and Mobile Money taxes acts

Members of Parliament have started a process of collecting signatures recalling Parliament to review the taxes they passed and are seriously impacting negatively on the earning of the people. The MPs who include the MP for Ntungamo Municipality Gerald Karuhanga, Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu known as Bobi wine, Bugabula South MP Henry Kibalya […]

Makerere University Guild leadership rejected Tuition fees increment

Makerere University Guild leadership rejected Tuition fees increment

Makerere University Student’s Guild leadership has rejected a 91% tuition fees increment for science courses as proposed by the University Council. This is after the student’s guild formed a committee to study the issue of tuition increment after council proposing a 91% tuition increment on given Science courses and a 45% increment on Arts courses respectively. […]

Leave the peace negotiations free – Fungaroo

Leave the peace negotiations free – Fungaroo

Obongi County Member of Parliament Hassan Kaps Fungaroo has said that the peace agreement which South Sudan President Salva Kiir signed with the rebels this week will not yield any results unless the factors that failed the implementation of the previous agreement get solved. Fungaroo said that the key players in the peace deal should be left […]

Only 24% of Ugandans have access to piped water, report

Only 24% of Ugandans have access to piped water, report

A report by Twaweza has found out that  only one out of four citizens a representative of 24%  of Ugandans have access to piped water. The report, carried out using Sauti Za Wananchi a national mobile-phone survey by Twaweza, states that this is mainly found around urban areas. Releasing the finding based on data collected from 1971 […]

Uganda launches climate safety campaign

Uganda launches climate safety campaign

Uganda today has registered a milestone in the environment sphere as being the first African nation to sign the nationally determined contribution towards addressing climate change impacts as a way to fulfill the 2015 Paris agreement.  The nationally determined contribution plans is  part of the national strategies the country will implement to see that it combats […]

Farmers should start insuring their agribusiness using micro insurance – FSDU

Farmers should start insuring their agribusiness using micro insurance – FSDU

The Financial Sector Deepening Uganda (FSDU), a company committed to promoting greater access to financial services and reducing financial exclusion in Uganda has called farmers to start insuring their agribusiness using micro insurance. Micro insurance is a mechanism designed to protect low income earners against risk like accident, illness, death in the family, natural disasters among […]

President Museveni named among the world’s best leaders

President Museveni named among the world’s best leaders

A report by economic researchers from the New York University indicating that President Yoweri Museveni is one of the best leaders in the world has attracted mixed reactions from members of parliament. According to a report released by New York University Economics Professor, William Easterly and World Bank Economist Steven Pennings, President Museveni is among […]

Justice bills campaign relaunched

Justice bills campaign relaunched

Legal aid service providers Network (LASPNET) together with the Greater North Parliamentary Forum have re-launched a campaign to move a private members bill in Parliament to have legal aid and administration of justice bills enacted into law. Addressing key stakeholders at meeting to devise collective strategies for the passing of these bills, the executive director […]

Only 3% of Uganda’s adult population borrow from bank, survey

Only 3% of Uganda’s adult population borrow from bank, survey

Financial Institutions have been encouraged to develop innovative ways of delivering financial services to more Ugandans. The call has been made by the deputy Governor Bank of Uganda Louis Kasekende while launching the Finscope 2018 Financial inclusion Survey at Kampala Serena Hotel. The survey showed that 22% of the country’s adult population is still financially excluded with […]

Kadaga defends lining up in LC1 elections

Kadaga defends lining up in LC1 elections

The speaker of parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga has defended the method of lining up in choosing LC1 leader saying that it cannot block the rights of voters. This is after the 16 ambassadors that met the speaker of parliament this afternoon showed their concern on the decision to elect LC1 leaders through lining up saying […]

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