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It’s now time to put the election period behind us and embrace the future, says Emmerson Mnangagwa

It’s now time to put the election period behind us and embrace the future, says Emmerson Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe President elect Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on masses to forget the election period and focus on pushing the country forward. Mnangagwa’s speech came on after his violent election was challenged in court over alleged fraud that even delayed his nauguration. The election  involved the army opening fire on protesters, allegations of vote-rigging and a […]

Tax expert cautions government against incentives to investors

Tax expert cautions government against incentives to investors

Government has been challenged to create a clear framework to manage foreign direct investments in the country rather than do away with tax incentives to potential investors. According to an international tax expert, Logan Wort, tax incentives given to investors are wasteful because they make the country lose more revenue, thus crippling the economy. However, […]

Drought causes water scarcity in parts of Mityana district

Drought causes water scarcity in parts of Mityana district

Government has pledged to increase water provision in Mityana following the drying up of most of the water sources in many Sub Counties of Mityana district. This after the Member of Parliament for Mityana district, Judith Nabakoba, decried water scarcity in the district which has worsened for the last one week while at the floor […]

Government urges banks to design loans that favour farmers

Government urges banks to design loans that favour farmers

Government has urged the  banking sector to design friendly loans that can be accessed by farmers and informal sectors in Uganda. Currently many banks are offering short term loans which do not favor farmers who have long term investments. Speaking during the Annual banker’s conference recently,  the Vice president, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, said that much […]

State prosecutors make u-turn on strike

State prosecutors make u-turn on strike

State prosecutors have resolved to suspend their sit down strike for a period of 90 days, to allow government deliver on its promises. Under their body Uganda Association of Prosecutors, the lawyers laid down their tools last week until government improves their salaries. It’s against this background that Government promised to increase their pay with […]

Government tables constitutional amendment bill amidst protest from opposition

Government tables constitutional amendment bill amidst protest from opposition

Government has tabled before Parliament a constitutional amendment bill 2017, seeking for compulsory land acquisition by government for development projects. The was last week tabled before Parliament by the Deputy Attorney General, Mwesigwa Rukutana. Rukutana brought the bill for its first reading a day after he told the house that the government has not drafted […]

Government sets more priorities on electricity and roads in oil regions

Government sets more priorities on electricity and roads in oil regions

Government has set priorities for next year that include building of power dams to generate more electricity, construction of all roads that will help in the production of oil and value addition for agricultural products among others. The government chief whip, Ruth Nankabirwa, says that if the country is to realize the production of oil […]

Kasaijja decries infrastructure damages by companies fixing cables across roads

Kasaijja decries infrastructure damages by companies fixing cables across roads

Government has raised concern over the continued destruction of road infrastructure by certain sectors including agencies which they say is costing the tax payers huge sums of money. The Minister of Finance, Matia Kasaija, while appearing before the National Economy Committee of Parliament noted that new and old roads have been cut to connect pipes […]

Government to mobilise 24 billion in the fight against tick-borne disease.

Government to mobilise 24 billion in the fight against tick-borne disease.

Government has started mobilizing an emergency fund of over 24 billion shillings to respond to the tick borne disease that has left a number of cows dead in 16 districts across the country. After meeting  with  technical officers from  Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS),Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) ,  Makerere  University  and the ministers  of […]

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