Speaker of parliament and her deputy to drive Mercedes Benz S-plus worth 814 million

The parliament commission has spent 814 million to purchase two new cars for speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga and her deputy speaker Jacob Oulanya. The Mercedes Benz S-plus cars already given to drivers were acquired at 419.8 million each.

Parliament of Uganda

Parliament of Uganda

According to the outgoing parliamentary commission Justine Kasule Lumumba in an interview conformed that the cars had been purchased with money from the ending financial year budget.

She says those used by the former speaker and his deputies were too old and had to be replaced.

The old vehicles will be sold off in accordance with procurement and disposal of public asset regulations. Speaker of parliament and her deputy are entitled to ceremonial cars mainly used during parliamentary and state functions.

Helen Kawesa the parliamentary public relations officer says the commission will however not purchase new official cars for speaker and her deputy.

Ultimate Media


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