Kyankwanzi district Locals cry over extortion by land committee

People in newly created Kyankwanzi district has expressed concern that members of expired Sub-county land committees in Kyankwanzi district continue to extort money from the general public.

Map of Uganda

Map of Uganda

The tenure of sub-county land committees in Kyankwanzi district ended early December last year but they have reportedly continued to ask money from the public according to Kyankwanzi district LCV chairperson Ddamulira Leopold Kinene.

The district chairperson notes that his office has received a lot of complaints of people claiming extortion members of the expired committees to help them get land lease.

The sub-county committees which always made up of five members deal with land related matters in the sub-counties.

According to Kinene, the high number of cases so far recorded by his office are from Ntwetwe sub-county despite the fact that the sub-county LC3 chairperson Robson Kabuye objecting that such existed in his sub-county.

Kabuye notes that his office has never registered any case of the kind but pledges to investigate.

However according to the District chairman, he has already directed the District Police to investigate the matter and cause the arrest of the culprits.

Robert Mulondo, the Kyankwanzi Local Government Chief Administrative Officer explains that he has already written to the sub-county chairmen and their chiefs to submit five names each sub-county to the district council deliberate on them.

He pledges that in the period of less than a month the district council is to convene to legalize new land committees.
By Nsamba Peter

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