Legal experts call for review of East African community treaty

Legal experts are calling for the review of the East African community treaty to provide for the establishment of the monetary union and political federation.

They argue that the political federation and monetary union being pushed by the head of states of the member states are not provided for in the mechanism of establishing the Eat Africa federation to form a single state.

A senior lecturer at the Nairobi University Dr. Adam Zolo says the monetary union and political federation remain as aspirations and there not in ultimate stages of the integration process.
Professor John Palamagamba Kabudi, the dean of the faculty of law Dalalasalam University says the issue of the monetary union and political federation could be challenged in courts unless they are included in the EAC treaty.

The East African community deputy secretary general in charge of political federation Beatrice Kiraso says the absence of monetary union and political federation in the treaty should not block the discussion of the matter.

The EAC committee on the first tracking of the East African federation in its report presented to the heads of state in November 2004 recommended January 2010 as the time for the launching the federation of the East Africa.

The committee suggested that the period between 2010- 2012 be considered as the consolidation phase of the federation of East Africa until 2013 when a political federation will be formed.

By Mugisa Isaac Mathias

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