Schools suspend some programs due to high inflation rate

By Mugisa Isaac Mathias

As a result in the increased cost of living and high cost of essential goods and services in the country, some schools have decided to suspend some of their programs they deem less important as the way of cutting costs to save the escalating commodity prices and contrite on education.

A number of schools have suspended development projects and changed students menu and suspend academic trips in a bid to save money to run their schools for the next three months.

The school directors say they have been hit by the inflation which shot to 21.4% last term which they say increased long after the school fees had been set.

There is growing concern among the schools what they will do now that a 100 kilogram bag of posho has risen from 120000 to 150000 shillings and a 100 kilogram of beans also rose from 180000 to 200000 shillings at the beginning of the term.

The assistant commissioner for secondary Education Francis Agula is asking the schools to redesign their priorities in order to be able to complete the term with the resources at their disposal.

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