Use sunflower to revive cracked skins


Sunflower is one of the plants grown in northern Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo among other countries around the world.

And apart from people eating the plant as food, it can also be used to revive cracked skins according to new discoveries.

Sunflower seeds contain healthy fats which provide our bodies with energy and in addition the seeds of sunflowers are loaded with protein, and high levels of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the heart arteries from deteriorating, and it also reduces platelet cells which control clots and stickiness.

Vitamin E also improves the elasticity of the skin, protecting its cells from the effects of ageing; the seed also has healing power for Eczema, cracked skin and dermatitis (an itchy inflammation of the skin).

Doctors in USA say that sunflower seeds help to strengthen the nail and hair and help to reduce greying of our hair.

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