Eat carrots for liver to transform it into vitamin A


Eating a carrot a day will keep the optician away. Many people in Uganda, Nairobi, London, New York and Bangladesh among other cities and countries eat carrots as snacks.

Also many other people in the world snack carrots because they are crunchy, but little do they know that the vegetable is a health powerhouse.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, an orange pigment which the liver transforms into vitamin A and lack of it is the leading cause of malnutrition among the children.

In Uganda malnutrition is so common among pregnant women. It is also a major cause of preventable blindness and decreases the risk of disease and severe infections.

Eating Carrots also protects against muscular degeneration and cataracts. Carrots are a good source of vitamin B, B1, B2, and B6 as well as vitamin C, E and Vitamin K.

Medical experts say that eating carrots guards against skin disorders, disease of retina, excess gastric acid and inflammation of de colon. Carrots also have strong cleansing properties that prevent acne, which is caused by accumulation of toxins in the blood.

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