Causes of rheumatoid arthritis, causes of body swelling and pain


In our earlier news reports on arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis we told you that arthritis is a disease causing pain and swelling in the joints of the body. We also told you that Rheumatoid is the long continuing disease (rheumatoid arthritis) causing pain and stiffness in the joints of the legs and arms and often making some body parts to lose their proper shape.

Today our major focus is on the causes of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis in simple terms is a joint disease that causes swelling and pain that can range from mild to excruciating.

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an autoimmune malfunction, antibodies in the blood that leads to an attack on the body‘s joint tissue, Infections, mycoplasma, bacterial viral, overgrowth of harmful bacterial in the body, food allergies, toxic metal accumulation, and emotional stress.

Other causes are of rheumatoid arthritis are fractures or other injuries, a diet high in fats, animal products and foods that promote an internal acidic environment, Excess of body fats, which places extra stress on joints, poor digestion health{increased intestinal permeability, bacteria imbalances], hormone imbalances, biomechanical imbalances e.g poor posture and abnormal foot arch.

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