The forms of acute malnutrition are so many but in this news report we shall labour to identify a few of them.
There is edematous MN (kwashiorkor). It occurs when there is not enough protein in one’s diet. It presents with swelling of the face and feet respectively.
Another form of acute malnutrition is the silky hair and peeling of the skin that appear like burns. Also there is a pot belly, dry cracked eye cornea and sores at the corner of the mouth.
Acute malnutrition also has a system of oral thrush and dehydrated tongue, lowered immunity and this is common in areas with famine, low levels of education, leading to inadequate knowledge of proper diet.
Malnutrition results from eating an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrients are either lacking, in excess or are in the wrong proportion. According to statistics from the Uganda Demographic Health survey, 066.1% of the children in Uganda are acutely malnourished, an equivalent of 360,000 children.
The survey also reveals that 52% of the number of children above is HIV +ve. The people with this problem have an extremely compromised immune system and they are 10 times more likely to die of treated illness like colds.