Man kills pregnant woman over talking with her brother


A couple has been married for over nine years in Wobulenzi Town council in Luweero district without children and it was becoming to their 10th year in marriage.

Mike Musumba and Fatumah Nakiweewa stayed with each other and hoped that they will have a child before their death or before they become old because they were under persuasion from friends and family members to get a divorce. But Musumba and Nakiweewa couldn’t let go because of the love between them .Months  and years passed by and recently, while Musumba was returning from work, he saw his wife in Wobulenzi town council walking down the road with a man. The man had his arms around her neck and they looked very happy. For over a week or two, he saw the same man with his wife Nakiweewa at various places including Nakaseke district hospital.

Sources told us that last week while Musumba was again returning from work and he saw the same man drop near their marital house, after giving her a kiss on the cheek, the man walked away and Musumba remained sad.

Three days later, after a hectic day at work, Musumba was taking water with a glass jug from the dispenser when the phone rang. He picked it up and a person said, “Hello dear, I will be coming to your house this evening to see you as promised. I hope it is ok” Musumba hung-up the phone. It was a male voice and he was sure the person was the man he had always seen with his wife Nakiweewa. He suddenly became shaky with the thought that he has lost his wife to another man. The glass of water he had in his hands fell from his hand and shattered into pieces. Nakiweewa came running into the room asking, what had happened. The man in anger punched her several times until she fell down and breathed his last.

On seeing that Nakiweewa wasn’t moving or getting up, Musumba then realized that she was dead. In total confusion, he went to their marital room and saw an envelope on their bed, opened it. It read “My loving husband, words cannot express how I feel so, I had to write it down. I have been going to see a doctor for over a week and I wanted to be sure before I could give you the good news. The doctors at Nakaseke district hospital confirmed that I was two months pregnant and our baby is due seven months from now. One of the doctors who confirmed the pregnancy is my blood brother who works at the same hospital and he is coming here today. The confused Musumba mad an alarm and the neighbours came. They found his wife lifeless and they also saw the letter. Musumba failed to explain to the village mates the circumstances under which Nakiweewa died.

But when the police arrived it arrested him. He narrated to the police whatever had happened. Among the people who found him at the police was the brother to the deceased whom Musumba had seen earlier and thought he was his wife’s extra marital lover. The suspect is still at Nakaseke hospital while Musumba remains in the custody.


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