How you can take proper care of your teeth


Scientists tell us that a toothbrush can be a gateway for bacteria infections. Brushing regularly helps you to maintain a health smile.

But that wont last if you don’t take proper care of your toothbrush and switch 2 a new one frequently.

Toothbrushes should be changed after every three months because it wears out easily when used for along time. Over using a toothbrush makes it to accumulate a lot of dirty particles underneath.

Likewise poor storage of toothbrush is dangerous to our health by introducing germs into the body. It is not good to keep toothbrushes together in a cup.

Find the good quality on the market-one which is not too hard or too soft. While hard bristles injure the germ, the soft ones would not do it well. Always rinse your toothbrush with warm water after every use and change it after you have had a dental disease.


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