Why thousands of people die every year from seasonal influenza epidemics?, How do I prevent the spread of influenza A (H1N1)?



Seasonal influenza epidemics occur every year in many countries including America, England, South Africa and Austria. Countries are able to treat flu with vaccines and our bodies can fight the known infections as well.

A flu epidemic is a world wide epidemic caused by a new virus to which the populations will have no immunity and perhaps no medicine.


How do I prevent the spread of influenza A (H1N1)?

The main route of transmission of the influenza (H1N1) virus is similar to seasonal flu, via droplets that are expelled through sneezing or coughing. You may stop the spread of influenza by: avoiding close contact with people who show influenza like symptoms.

Always sneeze into a handkerchief or tissue, wash your hands with soap, reduce the time you spend in crowded places and improve air flow in your homes by opening windows.



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