African scientists are invited for research in food and nutrition.

Applicants must be scientists, born and living in Africa, who want to publish scientific research in the area of food science and nutrition (including issues related directly to sustainable food production, food supply, food quality and food safety).


The financial support, in the form of a grant of no more than 1000 Euro, is intended to help pay the costs of printing a PhD thesis.

In exceptional cases the Foundation may consider funding other scientific publications in the same area of research. However, such publications must clearly have a wide circulation amongst African food scientists and nutritionists.

Application procedure

The applicant should send the following to the foundation:

  • a copy of the title page of the PhD thesis (including the date of the planned public defense)
  • the final or draft English summary of the PhD thesis
  • a curriculum vitae
  • a pro forma invoice indicating the printing costs
  • a letter of recommendation from the PhD advisor which should clearly state how the research was funded and what other sources of funding will be used to cover the costs of printing the thesis.

The applicant will be asked to send 25 copies of the PhD thesis to libraries in Africa that will be selected by the Foundation.

There is no deadline for submitting proposals.

For scholarships application: PhD Thesis – Grants to Help Pay the Costs

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