Apply for a research project at Welcome Trusts Biomedical Ethics Program.




This grant meets the direct costs of a research project falling within the objectives of the Wellcome Trust’s Biomedical Ethics Programme, where such expenses cannot be met by the applicant’s host institution.

Who can apply?

Principal applicants should be based in a developing country. Coapplicants may be based in a developing country or in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

Applicants must normally hold an established academic post in a university or other institution of higher education. Applicants from non-academic institutions may be considered; in such cases, the office will investigate eligibility criteria.

In exceptional circumstances, where the principal applicant is not in receipt of salary funding, he or she may apply for his or her salary to be included on the grant.

In these circumstances, a sponsor must guarantee that the necessary resources will be made available to the principal applicant.

The sponsor must hold an established post in the host institution and his or her source of salary must be acceptable to the Trust.

Maximum duration is normally three years.

This grant provides the salaries and associated costs for research assistants and other project support staff, such as interviewers and field workers.

Funds to cover travel, equipment and other expenses essential for the research are also available, as is a set amount for the principal applicant and any research assistants to attend conferences, seminars and other meetings of a relevant scholarly nature.

How to apply

Preliminary applications should be submitted at least six weeks before the deadline for full applications and should include:

  • the applicant’s name and contact details
  • CVs of the applicant and any coapplicants, including publication list
  • the title and a brief outline (one page maximum) of the project, including expected outcomes and target audience
  • approximate costs.

Awards are made three times a year. Deadlines for full applications are 1 March, 1 August and 1 December.

Contact: Grants Section (Biomedical Ethics), Wellcome Trust, Gibbs Building, 215 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, UK, <btel:< b=””> +44 (0)20 7611 7217, Fax: +44 (0)20 7611 8254, E-mail: biomedicalethics [at] </btel:<>

For further details, and application materials, contact: Project grant


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