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Bryan White’s car confiscated over 500 million debt

Police have raided socialite Bryan White alias Bryan White's home and confiscated a car for failure to pay a debt balance amounting to 576,000,000 Uganda shillings.

Police have raided socialite Bryan White alias Bryan White’s home and confiscated a car for failure to pay a debt balance amounting to 576,000,000 Uganda shillings.

This follows a court order to seize the car basing on a case filed by Captain Alex of obtaining goods by false pretence against Bryan White.

Image result for bryan white

Brian Kirumira aka Bryan White Courtesy image

The car in question is a posh Mercedes Benz cross country which Bryan White acquired from captain Alex after paying only 100,000 US dollars of the 250,000US dollars and promised to pay the remaining 150,000US dollars.

He however failed to pay the balance which made the latter to file the case.

Deputy Police spokesman, Superintendent Patrick Onyango told daily monitor that Bryan White was summoned by Nakawa Magistrate’s Court several times to respond to the charges, but he didn’t appear.

“The court then issued a warrant of arrest for Bryan White. Today, police officers went to enforce the court order. We impounded the car and towed it to Jinja Road Police Station. However, Bryan White wasn’t arrested because he accepted to appear in court on Wednesday,” Mr. Onyango said. (Daily monitor, July 17, 2018)

However, when approached, the Bryan White foundation co-founder said that he was overcharged the car was meant to cost only 70,000 but was cheated and therefore decided to terminate further payments.

“After learning that I have been cheated, I told Alex that he should either refund my money or he sells off the car and pay me back,” Bryan White said.


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