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Namuganza to appear before the land commission over Mubende land dispute

The commission is investigating accusations of forceful evictions, destruction of property, unlawful arrests and threatening violence against a retired primary school teacher, Ms Namutebi and a senior army officer in charge of administration at Mubende Rehabilitation Centre, Maj. Eric Kigamboha.

The Commission of Inquiry into Land Matters chaired by Justice Catherine Bamugemereire  has beckoned the State Minister for Lands, Ms Persis Namuganza, to answer questions regarding her alleged involvement in the purchase of a dubious land by the government.

Ms Namuganza is suspected to have collaborated with state minister for Kampala and Mubende district Woman Mp, Ms Benny Namugwanya Bugembe, mobilised and led people to State House and met President Museveni as claimants of the land.

Image result for Benny Namugwanya Bugembe

Hon.Benny Bugembe Namugwanya: Internet photo

The land in question is a three square mile in Butoroogo and Madudu Sub-counties, Mubende District of which the president was to pay the owners of the land.

However, the meeting only backfired when, instead of compensating the landlords, the Museveni ordered for an investigation on fact checking to commence.

The Deputy Lead Counsel to the Commission, Mr John Bosco Suuza on Monday said that the Lands minister is expected on Tuesday to appear before the commission and explain her role land dispute and  in leading claimants to a State House meeting.

“…Maybe the minister has better information as to the basis of the claimants’ claim on land and how the interest of the other claimants are taken into account,” Mr Suuza said.

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Ms Namuganza was named before the land probe for having led purported landlords; Mr Blasio Musoke Lule and Ms Milly Naava Namutebi  and other people to State House in 2010 and 2018 to claim for compensation of the land whose ownership is under investigation.

At the State House meeting, witnesses separately testified that Mr Lule asked the President to pay them Shs4 billion for one Square mile of the land.


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