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Melania Trump to visit Kenya on first solo trip to Africa

The four countries that the first lady calls "flowers" of Africa are Ghana, Malawi, Kenya and Egypt where Melania plans to add a brick to child welfare especially education and health.  “October 1 will mark the first day of my solo visit to four beautiful and very different countries in Africa,”

The four countries that the first lady calls “flowers” of Africa are Ghana, Malawi, Kenya and Egypt where Melania plans to add a brick to child welfare especially education and health.

“October 1 will mark the first day of my solo visit to four beautiful and very different countries in Africa,” Mrs. Trump said.

Mrs. Trump plans to fulfill her mission through popularizing her “Be Best”, a youth-welfare centered initiative.

“Whether it is education, drug addiction, hunger, online safety or bullying, poverty or disease, it is too often children who are hit first, and hardest, across the globe,” Mrs. Trump said. “Each of us hails from a country with its own unique challenges, but I know in my heart we are united by our commitment to raising the next generation to be happy, healthy and morally responsible adults.”

Also present at the event were the first ladies of Ghana, Malawi and Kenya whom Mrs. Trump recognized individually.

On Wednesday, Donald Trump remarked that he and Melania “love Africa.”


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